User can apply effect to images real time by using sidebar’s Effect tab. And effect’s values are apply to all of images and thumbnails.
EdgeView save effect’s value to history, and restore all of values when reopen file.
- Level
- Show histogram of current image.
- User can change input/output range and gamma.
- Bright&Contrast
- Blur
- Median
- Noise Reduction
- Sharpen
- Unsharp Mask
- Grayscale
- Sepia
- Invert Color
- White Point
- Colorize
- Colorize B&W/Grayscale images.
- Trim White Borders
- Trim white borders of image automatically.
- It will trim more larger space when user high ‘Trim Tolerance’ value.
- Shadow in Spread Images
- Display shadow in between of spread images in ‘Two-Page Spread’ mode.